Why Are You Not Making Money As A Digital Coach?

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Why Are You Not Making Money As A Digital Coach?

Affiliate Marketing, Digital Marketing Club, Digital Marketing Course



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Why Are You Not Making Money As A Digital Coach?

Listen to this post as a Podcast on Spotify or watch it on YouTube.

The First Question – Why are you not making money?

Answer – You are not getting enough leads.

Another question – Why are you not getting enough leads?

Hey, this is Sunil Chaudhary also known as Suniltams Guruji, India’s Leading Digital Coach.

In this session, I am going to talk about this in my own style. 

You are not getting leads.

You are worried. 

I was also worried. I have been in this phase of marketing. 

I had everything set up. I got training, I created my sales funnel, and I created my FB ad and google ad. 

I created my courses. 

Everything was ready, 

However, there were no leads. 

Or, I would say, there were not enough leads to convert. As a result, I was not making enough money.

But, there was one thing, I was committed and I did not give myself any other option but to think of ways to create leads that convert.

So, I read a few books on lead generation and consulted with my coaches. I paid almost 2 lac rupees to get this knowledge.

I am sharing the same knowledge for lead generation with you. 

Please pay attention and make notes.

First, I got to know that I have to build my personal brand. 

How to build a personal brand?

By writing more content, by creating more videos. I realized that content creation is a must.

The second thing to do to get more leads is to reach people and help. 

How Could I do that?

I joined paid as well as free groups on Facebook and LinkedIn and quora also.

I was observing everything there. Then people started asking questions. I saw that.

I had an opportunity to answer and help people.

I did that.

People found me helpful and knowledgeable.

They started referring me to new learners.

Some of them joined my high-level programs.

This is how I started getting more leads for free. Yes, I had to invest time. 

So, you have two options, either you invest time or you spend lots of money on generating leads.

I found organic methods very effective. I do “paid advertisements” as well. 

So, my short message through this podcast does not depend on one method of lead generation.

Go for multiple ways and do not avoid organic methods.

Create more useful content. Create videos.

This way you are building your personal brand as well as getting more leads.

More relevant leads

Yes, now you can make more money. 

Please note that nobody can guarantee your success. You have to succeed every day in your actions and success is always there for you.

Let’s meet in my next podcast

Take Good care and Enjoy life.

Related Links:


Digital Marketing / How to Become A Digital Coach / How to generate leads / India's Leading Digital Coach / Lead Generation / Organic Lead Generation

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