In this video, I am going to talk about How to Rank Your Youtube Videos Organically and Generate More Leads and Grow Brand Value.

My name is Suniltams Guruji, India’s Leading Digital Coach and Founder of JustBaazaar.

Let’s get started.

If you can Rank Your Youtube Videos organically, you can have so many organic leads. Not only this, but you will also grow your brand that will also help you earn more and sell more in the future.

So, you must try to do your best. Youtube video doesn’t need to rank among top results, however, you should not leave any stone unturned.

Let us have a look at what you should do to rank your youtube video among the top results.

First, and the foremost important thing is to have relevant content in the video.

Second, update headings and descriptions accordingly.

So, I am sharing my screen with you.

For example, I am trying to rank this particular video for the keyword “How To Rank Your Youtube Videos Organically?”.

In this case, this keyword should be available in Heading in starting as I have done.

Also, it should be the first thing to appear in the description as I have done.

After these two things, you should add some good descriptions, relevant descriptions in the Youtube description field.

This tells youtube a little bit about your video content.

Although youtube can understand your video by listening to it, you have two options to make it more SEO friendly.

First, you can make the video in crystal clear audio. Second, you can add subtitles/captions to your video. Subtitles and captions increase the SEO power multiple times.

Also, the users can read them, and engagement increases.

The next thing to do is to upload a Relevant thumbnail. An attractive thumbnail.

Also, ensure that the filename of the thumbnail should be the same as your targeting keyword.

In this case, it is “How To Rank Your Youtube Videos Organically?”.

Now, another important step comes, you need to update the tags, you have a character space of 500 to update tags.

So, update these tags properly by researching.

in this case, see how I am updating the tags.

after updating the tags, use the Tubebuddy feature, and sort the keywords.

Keyword research and keyword sorting can be done multiple times.

IN this case, there is no data from tube buddy, so, we can leave it.

The Next Step to Rank Your Videos Organcailly is to add them to the appropriate Playlists. If there is no relevant playlist available, create one and add the video to it. Also, do not forget to optimize the Playlist heading and descriptions as well.

Next step, you can update your location. It is important because overall your video may not rank on top.

However, in your location, it will still be having lots of visibility just by updating the location. So, do not forget to update the right location.

If you update the recording date, it will help understand that the video is new and youtube will give some more attention to this video in comparison to older videos.

Now, as you know that I am one of the Best SEO Experts and Digital Marketers and I am also India’s Leading Digital Coach, I have to share the best with you.

So, here you go.

As you have created a youtube video and optimized it, you should write a blog and embed your video there. In short, you should convert your video to a blog post. Not only it will give you a relevant backlink, but it will also be shared with your subscribers. So, lots of engagement from your blog site as well.

Similarly, you can convert your blog posts into youtube videos in the future.

It will improve your brand value, your sales, and many more people will be impacted by your knowledge.

I am sure you like this content.

Please share your precious feedback to my email I would prefer you if you can create a testimonial video for me. I have put my heart and mind and my complete experience in this post. I have not hidden anything. It is not the same case with all Digital Coaches.

So, share your testimonials with me and keep ranking your videos organically and keep growing.

If you want to Learn Digital Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Influencer Marketing, SEO, websites, Sales Funnels, or any other Digital Skill, Discuss with me. I have the best and most affordable courses.


Suniltams Guruji

India’s Leading Digital Coach

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