How to Live Freedom Lifestyle – 6 Phases

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Freedom Lifestyle Coach How to lead a freedom Lifestyle

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Living a “Freedom Lifestyle” is a journey that requires dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to take risks. In this blog post, we will take a deep dive into the different stages of this journey, and what it takes to overcome the challenges and obstacles that may arise along the way.

Phase 1: The Glimmer of Hope

The first phase of the journey towards freedom is when people first catch a glimpse of the possibilities that an alternate lifestyle, such as becoming a digital coach, can offer. The idea of being able to travel the world, while earning a substantial income with your knowledge, is incredibly attractive. This is often what initially inspires people to take the first step on the journey.

Phase 2: The Wow Factor

As people begin to explore the Freedom Business Model and all the different possibilities that it offers, they are often “wowed” by the opportunities that automation, digital sales, and building a business without an office can provide. This is the phase where people learn the foundational concepts of funnels, traffic, list building, ecosystems, digital products, conversions, and tribe building, among other things. It is also the phase where they begin to get inspiration from successful people in the “hall of fame” and start to feel that if they can do it, so can they.

Phase 3: The Grind

This is where the rubber meets the road. Phase 3 is all about perspiration, as people start to put all their newly acquired knowledge into practice. This can be a challenging stage, as people often hit roadblocks in terms of technology, productivity, and resources. Some people may become overwhelmed and quit, feeling that they are not good enough. However, a small percentage of people persist, doing whatever it takes to stick to the process and get through the “grinding” phase.

Phase 4: The Burnout or Fired-Up

This is an interesting stage, as people can respond to the pressure in two ways: they either get burned out or they get fired up. Some people, despite having set up everything, may fail in sales conversions, fail to keep their ads profitable, or fail to deal with the intricacies of business operations. They become burned out. However, others who are able to handle the pressure, become fired up and push through, determined to make their businesses succeed.

Phase 5 – The Lighthouse

After getting fired up… only then you can be the lighthouse for others. 

Only a very small percentage of people even come to this phase. 

In this phase, their core business functions are all on track. 

They keep improving the systems for scaling on a daily basis, but they are not worried about the ups and downs in ads, markets, and more.

There is stability and scalability in their knowledge business.

It usually takes 2-3 years to come to this stage, after a lot of trial and error.

At this stage, the experts focus on building strategic alliances and partnerships

They start building their brand nationally and globally. 

They start to build their communities by building a second line of leadership. 

They empower their leaders to maintain the code of honour of the tribe. 

They start to think about new initiatives and activities that can inspire and impact more and more people. 

And in spite of all the success, they always remain grounded and stick to the basics – without getting allured by all the shiny objects. 

When there is more money, more fame, and more power, nature will test you once again in various ways. 

This is where one’s morals, ethics and values will come into play. 

My mentor says, what’s already there inside you accentuates where you are given more name, fame, power and glory

If you have small issues in your personality, they will only get magnified when you are given more money, name and fame. 

That’s why it’s important to always keep yourself surrounded by people who keep you in check. 

The intention is everything! People can see through you.

This phase is one step before true freedom. 

Yes, it may seem that this type of person has financial freedom or time freedom, but it’s only when this person is able to conquer himself or herself from within and their own flaws, he or can they move to the level of legendary.

Stage 6 – The Legend

Some of the biggest global leaders in personal development have reached this stage. 

It’s because they have stuck to their core message for decades. 

They have impacted millions of people. 

They remain grounded in strong principles. 

And they live a very focused and purposeful lifestyle, where they fuel all the dimensions of their life – not just money.

Name and fame do not get into their head. They are cool, whether they have to live in a small place or in big luxurious hotels. 

They are unaffected by externals. They invest their money wisely, without just flashing themselves around in fancy suits or supercars. 

They do not need to prove anything to anyone.  They live an affluent lifestyle but in private. 

They have no need to show off their riches.  In spite of all their riches, they live a very minimalistic and fulfilled life. 

Their level of contribution to the world is on a totally different scale. And they do not contribute to getting praise from others. 

They do this with the pure mindset to keep giving back. They live a lifestyle of strong principles. 

They are spiritually grounded. 

When they face life’s challenges, they are able to quickly bounce back, because their spiritual grounding helps them look at the world from a broader perspective – without any attachments to possessions or people.

This is the level of true freedom.

With all honesty, though I have thought about this and written about this, I’m nowhere close to true freedom. I’m always a work-in-progress. And the image you may have about me is not true. 

I’m just a normal person like you. It’s just due to all the mentors that have shaped me, I have some awareness, but I’m always working on myself.

I just want to thank you for reading this email till this point. I wanted to pour my heart to help you understand what this journey is going to be like.

It’s not an easy one. It’s not for everybody. But I believe that anybody who has that bigger vision has the potential to transform – inside out.

Please share your comments below if this inspired you.

I would like you to start this day afresh. I would you to think about what are those areas you really need to work on. I would like you to imagine yourself being a legend in your space 5-10 years from now. Then it’s a life that’s truly worth living!

Superpower to you

In conclusion, living a “freedom lifestyle” is a challenging journey, but it is also an incredibly rewarding one. It requires dedication, perseverance, and a willingness to take risks. The key is to never give up and always keep pushing forward, even when the road gets tough. Remember, your past does not equal your future, and you have the power to change your destiny.


Sunil Chaudhary

Digital Success Coach & Freedom Lifestyle Coach

Worked with some Top Fortune 500 Companies and Founded Entities like JustBaazaar, NearMeStuff, Influenciad, and Career Building School


Freedom Lifestyle / Freedom Lifestyle Coach

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